English : Mas Kulin who is too handsome always avoids entering regular school and chooses to spend almost 100% of his life inside the house. He makes his father, Pak Archewe, his mother, Bu Suk, and his brother, Mas Okis, worry. They arrange a scenario that succeed in making Mas Kulin agree to spend the last year of his high school years at a special school for boys, Horridson High School. Mas Kulin’s handsomeness is then exposed to the outside world so his days go unusual: female teachers faint and he becomes the target of BBM High School students. Including a girl that is too beautiful: Amanda. However, in the midst of all that, Mas Kulin find Kibo and Rere, which make him believe that there are still people who can see him as he is.
Indonesia : Mas Kulin yang terlalu tampan selalu menghindari masuk sekolah reguler dan memilih untuk menghabiskan hampir 100% hidupnya di dalam rumah. Dia membuat ayahnya, Pak Archewe, ibunya, Bu Suk, dan saudaranya, Mas Okis, khawatir. Mereka menyusun skenario yang berhasil membuat Mas Kulin setuju untuk menghabiskan tahun terakhir masa SMA-nya di sekolah khusus untuk anak laki-laki, SMA Horridson. Ketampanan Mas Kulin kemudian diekspos ke dunia luar sehingga hari-harinya menjadi tidak biasa: guru perempuan pingsan dan ia menjadi target siswa SMA BBM. Termasuk seorang gadis yang terlalu cantik: Amanda. Namun, di tengah semua itu, Mas Kulin menemukan Kibo dan Rere, yang membuatnya percaya bahwa masih ada orang yang bisa melihatnya seperti apa adanya.