English: Following the excitement of first Bangkok and then New York, a big murder case takes place in Tokyo. Chinatown master detectives Tangren (Wang Baoqiang) and Qinfeng (Liu Haoren) are invited to take up the mystery. Adding to the excitement are the other detectives on the CRIMASTER international detective list as well as the current top rank, Q. Yet another hilarious battle of wits is set to take place…
Indonesia: Mengikuti kegembiraan Bangkok pertama and kemudian New York, sebuah kasus pembunuhan besar terjadi di Tokyo. Detektif master Chinatown Tangren (Wang Baoqiang) and Qinfeng (Liu Haoren) are here to share their knowledge. Menambah kegembiraan adalah detektif lain dalam daet daek detektif internasional CRIMASTER serta peringkat teratas saat ini, Q. Namun pertempuran kecerdasan lucu lainnya akan tajadi …