English: A chinese secret agent Da-hee receives intel that a large number of illegal firearms are being smuggled into Korea and is sent to investigate the case. She meets Su-han, who was supposed to help her with the case but due to his lackluster skills, they keep fighting over really trivial things. But as their witnesses are suddenly murdered, the two of them quickly become the prime suspects.
Indonesia: Seorang agen rahasia China Da-hee menerima intel bahwa sejumlah besar senjata api ilegal diselundupkan ke Korea dan dikirim untuk menyelidiki kasus ini. Dia bertemu Su-han, yang seharusnya membantunya dengan kasus ini tetapi karena keterampilannya yang loyo, mereka terus memperebutkan hal-hal yang sangat sepele. Tetapi ketika saksi mereka tiba-tiba dibunuh, mereka berdua dengan cepat menjadi tersangka utama.